Australia 2016 Trip Report
To say that travelling to Australia is a long journey is not an overstatement. Not only did we step forward in time by 15 hours, we also somewhat lost track of the days. On the way to Australia we basically missed an entire day, and on the way back we experienced Thursday evening to Friday evening twice and at two different places.
We enjoyed the Australian people very much, we found them to be a direct and honest people. Very refreshing folks to be around. I was challenged by their sincerity and desire to serve God in their communities.
Conference Center

The conference was an enjoyable time, where we enjoyed both teaching and visiting. The subject for the weekend was on “The Lifestyle of Worship” and I taught 6 sessions on that subject. Other brethren shared devotionals, and a children’s program was also given. The Australian Brotherhood had the weekend planned well, which of course made it enjoyable. Dwight & Mabel Mast from Ohio along with their daughter & son-in-law, Daniel & Sarah Kauffman from Pennsylvania were there to serve in the kitchen.
Loretta & I along with our two sons, Greg & Aaron enjoyed our visit there. We also got to enjoy a bit of the beautiful Australian countryside. We found both the ranch lands and the crop fields to be well maintained and beautiful to look upon. It is obvious that these folks are a hard-working and a resourceful people.
Australian Ranch Land

We left with a new appreciation for the people of Australia and an admiration for the vision that the Jason Kauffman family has for further establishing an Anabaptist witness in this vast country.
by Elam Stoltzfoos
Recordings of the conference can be accessed here.