Anabaptist Teaching Ministries came into existence as a result of a vision to revive Anabaptist doctrine and lifestyle in Europe. With the awareness that churches and groups throughout Europe are wanting Anabaptist teachers to come to them to instruct them further in the principles that have defined Anabaptist groups for centuries, five men met in Sugarcreek, Ohio on January 21, 2012 to discuss the possibility of founding an organization whose chief mission is Teaching Ministry.
The men present were Bill Mullet, Phil Beiler, John Smucker, Matthew Bontrager, and Elam Stoltzfoos. At that meeting it was decided to spend the 2012 year in organizing this endeavor, with the goal of having a permanent organization in place by January of 2013. Another meeting was held on May 5, 2012 with Clifford Schrock and Marcus Yoder joining the organizing committee.
One of the goals of the organizing committee was to craft a mission statement and to establish a general code of operations for this mission. This goal was completed by the June 19, 2012 meeting.
On December 1, 2012 the board was established with Elam Stoltzfoos [chairman], Matt Bontrager [treasurer], John Smucker [secretary], Phil Beiler, and Clifford Schrock. James Mast from Danville, Ohio joined the board in early 2013
The 2016 board consists of Elam Stoltzfoos, IA [chairman], Matt Bontrager, IL [treasurer], John Smucker, OR [secretary], Phil Beiler, PA, Clifford Schrock, PA, and Elvin Yoder, VA [administrator].
To glorify God through the ministry of teaching Truth
Our Mission is to teach the Truth of God’s Word in order to introduce and further establish it in the hearts of the hearers; so that it may grow and dynamically affect the lives of the worldwide followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our goal is to use Spirit-filled teachers who integrate the principles of God in their daily lives, and who are equipped to present Truth in a way that will inspire others to do the same.
seminars and conferences can be offered to churches and to groups of believers.
existing churches can be strengthened.
subjects can be offered that are relevant to the listeners.
knowledge and understanding of the Truth can be increased.
fundamental doctrines of the New Testament Church can be revived or be re-established.
the principles of God’s Word can be applied to everyday living.
be actively walking with God.
be passionate and well-equipped for the tasks given to them.
be gifted in articulating Truth clearly.
teach, uphold and to exemplify the Anabaptist principles in life.
have respect for other cultures, and to be able to bridge the differences effectively.