Spring/Summer Trip Updates
ATM assisted with 4 trips in March-June of 2019. Here are some excerpts:
Kenya, March 2019: Sammy Wareru, a Kenyan pastor with oversight of 10 churches, requested that Lavon Mullet come and minister to the pastors under his care and their congregations. Lavon spent five days sharing at various churches in the Nakuru area, and then participated in an all-day pastors conference at Sammy's church. Lavon was also able to spend Sunday at New Life in Jesus Ministries, reconnecting with the church where he and his family served during their time in Kenya. Lavon reported that the teaching was well received, and his time spent reconnecting with friends and making new friends was valuable. Praise God!
Haiti, April 2019: Lowell Miller spent several days speaking at a leadership seminar in Cotes de Fer, Haiti. The event was for area pastors and leaders and organized by Lysner Jean, the local Mission director. The seminars were held from Wednesday to Saturday, with an average attendance of 35 people. Topics included various sessions on the church and Christian leadership. The Saturday session was followed by an extensive Q and A time. Questions included "How does a Christian father show a true picture of God when his child has done wrong?" and "What can be done when there is disunity in the church?". Overall, the seminar was well received and the attendees were grateful for the opportunity to take a break and gain additional tools for the work of God's Kingdom!

Transnistria, Moldova, May 2019: Phil Beiler and Alvin Stoltzfus traveled to eastern Moldova for a conference on May 6-10. Pastor Peter, a registered Baptist and overseer of about 21 churches of various sizes, organized the conference for the leaders of the churches. The topics that Alvin and Phil expounded on included "From failure to faith (Peter)", "From apathy to action (Joshua)", "Basis for growth (Acts 2:41-43)", and "Lessons in leadership (Paul - Acts 20:17-24)". These topics generated numerous questions like "How is your church changing overtime?", "What are the consequences of breaking covenant with God?", and "How can I overcome a sin habit?" These questions in turn gave opportunity for good discussion on a broad range of doctrinal issues and Biblical commands. It is a blessing to see Christians prospering in this part of the world. God calls us to serve Him regardless of the geographical, political, or religious reality in which we find ourselves!

ATM also aided in sending Donny Yoder to Poland in May to assist with general Bible teaching.
Thank you for your support and interest in ATM. Our goal is to support seminars in cooperation with native missions, ministries, and churches. We would love to see the truth of God’s Word and New Testament principles shared in more areas. If you have a need that you think fits our mission, please contact us at anabaptist.teach@gmail.com